
This site may include facts, views, opinions or recommendations of individuals or organizations not affiliated with Black Cross Health Collective. We do not endorse, guarantee, or warrant, either express or implied, the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of facts, views, opinions or recommendations on this website. The visitor uses this site and information provided on this site "as is," without warranty of any kind.

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Black Cross Health Collective is not part of Anarchist Black Cross Federation, which is a prisoner solidarity network. Some of our members are anarchists, some are not.

While we will gladly train individuals and other groups across the continent, we do not give certifications in first aid. The burden of determining someone's qualifications, as always, is on those who work with her or him. This is why we encourage the formation of affinity groups and collectives which provide a level of support and demand a level of competency.

We have not authorized any other organization or individual to speak in our name. We work with a number of individuals in Portland and across the continent, as well as other collectives and groups. They know who they are and we will gladly vouch for them. We will also identify individuals that we do not work with. Contact us if you have complaints about someone who says they are part of, or work with Black Cross.

Website content copyright Black Cross Health Collective. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons License